Form Information
  • Form Information Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Form Information
    If you use multiple separate by comma. Note: when sending to many email the load time will increase
    If you use multiple separate by comma. The tags key will been show on email content at footer. Example: #your_tag_code1 #your_tag_code2 ...
    After submitting form successfully. A "thank you" email automatically send to thank you field in which customers have just submitted
    Choose the sender email field to allow module send email from the email address field on the form, it will override the default sender on module settings. Empty to use default sender on module settings.
    Choose the sender name field to allow module send name from the name field on the form, it will override the default sender on module settings. Empty to use default sender on module settings.
    Example: form/view.phtml, form/view2.phtml
  • Form Content Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Success Message
    Before Form Content
    After Form Content
  • Form Creator Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
  • SEO Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
  • Design Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
  • Messages Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.

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