Enabled/Disable Menu on frontend
Enable/Disable menu block title (if the menu block have title or widget megamenu has title).
Select menu profile for default. Default value: top-menu
Input Megamenu Profile Alias to use as default for PWA Studio (require setup Megamenu GraphQl).
Allow backup a menu version after save menu
Input number or speed. Default: 300
Allow Cache The Generated Megamenu Html Into Database.
Allow Cache The Generated Megamenu Html Into Cache File.
Enable/Disable To Check Mobile Device When Generate Menu HTML On Frontend.
Enable/Disable mobile menu code hidden on desktop, and desktop menu will hidden on mobile view. Disable the option to reduce DOM tags.
Empty to set cache forever.
Allow load list catalog categories via ajax when edit menu on backend. If the site have larger catalog categories, you should enable the option.
Number of Categories will be shown when you search.
Disable Menu title attribute on frontend
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